Dear Prospective Lorton Valley Homeowner/Resident:
On behalf of the Lorton Valley Homeowners Association (LVHOA), welcome to the Lorton Valley Community web page. FirstServiceResidential, LLC is our current management agent. The Lorton Valley LVHOA Board of Directors and First Service Residential wish you luck as you make your home ownership/lease decision.
We at Lorton Valley want to make your home search experience easy and rewarding. To assist you in your decision we have provided "Public" access to a majority of sections within this web page. We are confident the information provided will help you in your decision to take up residence, as an owner or renter, here at Lorton Valley.
Living in a community association can be challenging, yet enjoyable. Knowledge of, and a commitment that you are able to comply with Association Rules and Regulations is a first step towards a successful connection to a managed community. To be successful, the Association needs the active participation and cooperation of all owners/residents. We will always welcome your input. In addition, any voluntary contribution of your time will assist in developing and maintaining the high standards and services that epitomizes a successfully managed community.
By law, regular monthly assessment dues are collected to fund the annual operating budget. They are collected from the Homeowner, not a tenant (renter). Current Lorton Valley HOA monthly dues are $145.00 per month. These fees go toward the payment of mandatory (required) services such as property management, community insurance, common grounds maintenance, trash removal, legal services, community club/fitness center management, pool management, administrative costs, capital reserves, and any other item deemed necessary to successfully manage the property. Should you decide to purchase your home in Lorton Valley you will receive a coupon book, covering the current operating year (which runs from 1 January to 31 December) to use when making your MONTHLY assessment payments. Payments are due no later than the 10th of each month. Late fees are automatically assessed if payments are late. As an alternative, FirstServiceResidential, offers a direct debit program for the electronic payment of assessments. Please contact First Service Residential, for information and an enrollment form if you wish to participate. Any inquiry concerning your assessment account should be directed to First Service Residential, Accounting Department.
Managed Community Association living (Lorton Valley is a Home Owners Association NOT a Condominium Association) is administered by a set of governing documents termed "Community Covenants" further supported by Community "Design and Maintenance Standards". These documents detail various restrictions, prohibitions and requirements that you should become familiar with before you make your decision to purchase a home in Lorton Valley. All rules and regulations affecting the community, along with local, state, and federal regulations, are important and should be given the appropriate attention. We wish to particularly point out the limitations on making any exterior modification to your home without prior written approval from the association; including new construction, removal and/or addition of garden borders, trees, bushes, etc. Violations of this, and any other policy will result in the LVHOA taking appropriate action against the offending homeowner. Refer to your "Design and Maintenance Standards" Booklet for further guidance. If you don't have one it can be downloaded or reviewed on this website.
POTENTIAL LANDLORD: If you plan to be an absentee owner, it is your responsibility to update your contact information to ensure an appropriate and active address/phone number is available for both routine and emergency communications. Please note that your Lorton Valley address is NOT a valid mailing address if you are not living there. Failure to provide appropriate and timely contact information will result in fines assessed against the property until the issue is appropriately resolved. You must also be sure that your tenant and you agree who is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the exterior of your home, including lawn and garden care. Any questions on this matter, or the governing documents in general, should be addressed to the community manager or LVHOA Board of Directors. We encourage you to ensure your tenant has access to all community rules and regulations, in addition to any requirements you may have established. It is especially important that you become familiar and comply with the following: LVHOA Policy Resolution 14-01 - “Procedures Relating to the Leasing of Lots” and Policy Resolution 14-02 - “Home Based Business Policy”. In summary, these two policies ensure that you and/or your tenants are properly accounted for in the community, that both you and your tenants follow county and any HOA dwelling occupancy rules, and that any home-based business activity are approved by both the county and HOA prior to start of the business. Of note is the HOA prohibition on short-term rentals such as VRBO, AirBNB, etc., sub-letting, and/or renting out basements. Lorton Valley is a residential community designed and operated towards family oriented living NOT "transient" hotel like residency! Failure to comply with these policies will result in appropriate action taken against you and your tenants, up to and including applicable legal action. These and all other policies are available on our webpage and are included in the two booklets of HOA Rules and Regulations given to you at the purchase of your home. You are also reminded that the LVHOA relationship is with you, the homeowner, not the tenant. Any and all issues related to the exterior condition of your home, community privileges, etc., and occupancy of your home, must be addressed through you or your legal representative, not your tenant, unless you have given them written legal authority to act on your behalf. Furthermore, as the legally empowered management agent for the LVHOA we advise any and all potential landlords to treat your tenants fairly and ethically.
POTENTIAL RENTER; If you plan to rent, you are reminded that all LVHOA rules and regulations apply equally to you and your family. Unless your landlord specifies otherwise or is not in "good standing", any and all general privileges (e.g., pool access, fitness center use, community center party room rental) granted a homeowner are granted to you, with the exception of voting and/or sitting on LVHOA Board of Directors. Additionally, as a tenant, you may participate as a member of a committee but may not chair such a committee. You are also reminded that the LVHOA relationship is with the homeowner, not you, the tenant. Any issue must be brought to the attention of the homeowner or legal representative who must then address it with the LVHOA, unless YOU have been given legal authority, in writing, to act on their behalf. Lastly, the LVHOA wishes to remind all potential renters that the LVHOA has no control over landlord/tenant issues. You should be very attentive to the language in your rental agreement and what your landlord has determined is your responsibility. Over time, several landlords in the community have been less than fair and ethical in their dealings with both tenants and HOA alike. Prior to signing any rental agreement it is recommended you contact previous tenants and the Property Manager to ascertain any information that may affect your decision.
The Lorton Valley HOA conducts all its general community communications via the Community webpage and community-wide email. Once your move to Lorton Valley is finalized, please take the time to stop by our Management Office located in the Community Clubhouse building, and introduce yourself, take time to review our webpage and register to receive our communications. This webpage, and placement of communications letters at the Community Center are the only ways you will be made aware of community-wide issues and events. Individual homeowner issues (e.g., violations, penalties & fees, lien notices, etc.) will continue through the U.S. Postal Service, as required by law. This community webpage will be continually updated, as necessary, to keep you informed regarding community and local news. You will also find guidance on reserving the clubhouse for an event, applying for pool passes, and obtaining a key card for accessing the fitness center. It also provides access to all our LVHOA governing documents.
We hope that this correspondence has been helpful in your orientation to the Lorton Valley Community. Should you choose Lorton Valley, we look forward to your participation in, and enjoyment of, the Lorton Valley community.
Sincerely yours,
Lorton Valley Homeowners Association (LVHOA)
Board of Directors