Lorton Valley
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Board of Directors
Exterior Modification Application
Draft Document for Homeowner Review/Comment
Portable Basketball Hoop Application
Fitness Center Access Card Application
Community Club Rental Information and Forms
Helpful Links & Phone Numbers
Fairfax County My Neighborhood
HOA Policy 14-01 - Procedures Relating to the Leasing of Lots
Home Based Business Policy and Application Form
Helpful Information for HOA Living
Community Trash/Recycling Schedule and Procedures
Maps of Laurel Hill Trail System w/Lorton Valley Access
Calendar of Events
HOA Newsletter
Message Board
Hughes Property Development
Updated Community Design and Maintenance Standards - Effective September 2022
Draft/Sample Dog Trespass Warning Letter for Individual Homeowner Use
Fairfax County Crime Information
2025 Pool Pass Application


Community Trash/Recycling Schedule and Procedures

The community of Lorton Valley is currently served by Republic Services for trash and recycling removal and disposal. As with all community service agreements, Lorton Valley HOA  negotiates and enters into a community-wide contractual agreement with local trash removal companies every three(3) years. A portion of each home's monthly HOA fees goes to fund normally scheduled trash removal and recycling. Any individual trash removal needs; especially removal of bulk items, such as appliances, furniture, etc., must be arranged and paid for by the individual resident.
Pickup times for trash and recycling are as follows:
Every Tuesday (except Holidays) - Trash and Recycling 
Every Wednesday - Yard waste, tree cuttings, trimmed bushes, dead flowers/plants, etc. starts the First Wednesday in March. Place all yard waste in paper bags or reusable containers marked "Yard Waste".  No plastic bags!  Wrap limbs with hemp twine in bundles longer than 4 feet, no larger than 20 inches in diameter, and no more than 25 pounds.  
Every Friday (except Holidays)  Regular Trash. 
Bulk Items - As arranged by the resident  by email at HOA.NOVA@republicservices.com (also used to order new wheeled containers and bins by resident)
Bulk item email requests must include Name, cell number, full address and zip code, and HOA name and photo of the item. List the bulk item (chair, table, lawn chair, barbecue grill, area rug (max size 9'x11', bicycle (non-motorized) as well as a photo.
If the bulk item is beyond the allowed contract parameters (mattress, box springs, water heater, couch, microwaves, bookshelves, refrigerators (marked Freon Free by HVAC tech), stoves, push mowers (without gas and oil), there will be a price charge paid directly to Republic Trash Services. Republic will list it in the returned email. 
For trash and/or recycling or yard-waste pick-up days, residents may place their trash/recycling bins on the street side curb no earlier than the evening or the night before the pickup date. Containers must be returned to their storage place no later than pick-up day evening. Bins must be stored in the garage or rear of the home out of sight from the street. 
All bins placed curbside for pick-up must be closed and/or items secured so as to not blow away during high winds. Nothing is more detrimental to the community than the appearance of blown trash skittering throughout the community.
Please refer to the Republic Services website, Fairfax County December 2019 Flyer regarding the I-95 Landfill Complex outlining procedures for self-disposal. For additional information see our website link "Helpful Links and Phone Numbers" for contact information for a myriad of services in the local area.